Studio owner, producer, engineer and cellist Hans Christian has just received a Grammy nomination for his latest release Ocean Dreaming Ocean, which was recorded on his Audient mixing console, STUDIO 330 in Wisconsin.
“its layout […] makes the workflow so much easier than on other boards of this size”~ Hans Christian, STUDIO 330
Hans installed the 36-channel ASP8024-HE in his studio last year and hasn’t looked back. “I’ve owned various analogue and digital boards over the past nearly 25 years. What I really appreciate about this board is its very low noise floor, its incredible headroom and its layout which makes the workflow so much easier than on other boards of this size.

“Another great thing about the board are the mic preamps. I am getting such musical results from the on-board preamps, that I never touch my outboard pres. I love the dual fader/in-line design. Easy, elegant, logical. In my work, I need to stay focused on the music, not the technology and this board makes it very easy.”
“I am getting such musical results from the on-board preamps that I never touch my outboard pres”
Ocean Dreaming Ocean is a posthumous collaboration between cellist David Darling and multi-instrumentalist Hans Christian (pictured with his cello below), produced, mixed and mastered by Hans at STUDIO 330. Describing using the mixing console for his work on the Grammy nominated record in particular, Hans continues, “I also like the fact that it has 12 Aux Sends plus two Cue Sends which can be assigned as needed. Along with it, eight stereo effects returns. So I created some intricate processing stems with various high-end outboard processors and because the effects returns can be assigned to any of the 24 busses, it was very easy to print these effects stems.
“Finally, the ASP8024-HE has those three magical buttons on the master bus: the Carnhill transformers, the low bump and the high lift. Very tasteful. The board looks as elegant as it sounds. It is modern, energy efficient, quiet – and has balls when you push it.”
“the board looks as elegant as it sounds”
One of just five nominees picked out of a total of 175 entries for the New Age/Ambient/Chant category for the 2024 Grammy Awards, Hans is “deeply appreciative of the recognition by the voting members of the Recording Academy.” He continues, “Ocean Dreaming Ocean is an absolute highlight in my creative career as cellist, composer and producer. To have had a chance to collaborate with the late David Darling, even if on an ethereal level, was a once in a lifetime gift.”
The 66th annual Grammy Awards ceremony will take place on 4th February 2024 where the winner will be announced. Audient wishes Hans all the best!