Sustainability professional and host of the Carbon Times podcast, Paul Holden has a talent for finding fascinating content and conducting engaging interviews. So he was all set, apart from being a complete novice when it came to recording audio!
Luckily a friend told him about the EVO 4 audio interface, so he picked up the EVO Start Recording Bundle. After that, things quickly became easier and started to sound a whole lot better.

“When I listen back I can really hear the difference in quality,” says Paul, amazed at the improvement since the addition of the 2in /2out smart audio interface in episode two. “Conversations are easy peasy, but recording a monologue is a whole other ball game.”
“When I listen back I can really hear the difference in quality”
Focusing on content, he likes to keep it simple in his DIY studio. “It’s a little cute home setup; a sit/stand desk with a monitor, laptop space and the EVO 4 audio interface attached – and a sign on the door to say ssssssshhhhhhhh!”
Hitting the record button on Zoom when he’s ready to start the conversation, he relies on his editor to help clean up the audio before releasing each interview. “Having a good editor has been a lifesaver for us,” he says.

Paul works in the Built Environment sector, helping businesses who want to reduce their impact on the environment optimise their transition to a net zero carbon future. He explains, “Our company Carbon Profile wanted to start the podcast, as we are all passionate about sustainability. We understand that for the world to change the way it needs to, people need to know what is going on and to talk about it. That’s where we see the podcast – finding meaningful and interesting content to keep the conversation going.”
“EVO 4 audio interface itself just makes everything look, sound and feel more professional”
Over the last year and a half, Paul has been doing just that. Whilst he shares knowledge, experience and innovation on the Carbon Times podcast to help drive us to a more sustainable world, his setup speaks for itself. “The EVO 4 audio interface itself just makes everything look, sound and feel more professional.”
Audient is delighted to hear it! Have a listen to Carbon Times via the website or your podcatcher of choice.