Studio owner Manolito Galea (Lito) puts the success of Lito’s Place down to the purchase of an Audient ASP4816. He explains that since the arrival of the compact analogue mixing console two years ago, the studio’s fortune has been on an upward trajectory. “Investment in the ASP4816 has generated enough business to allow us to grow the studio, both in the film and music industry,” he says.
“Investment in the ASP4816 has generated enough business to allow us to grow the studio”
“A number of European composers and producers from the music industry now choose Lito’s Place to work on their projects, because we offer such a professional set up in the beautiful Maltese climate.” This increase in clients has also allowed Lito to undertake a major redecoration of the premises, which has just been finished. “The studio is much more flexible and comfortable to work in.

“We are experiencing a change in the type of clientele,” he adds, citing Brad Pitt’s visit to work on ADR sessions just a few months back as testament to that fact. “This has opened the doors to be able to market to major film companies,” he continues, happy to report that it “…provides a constant flow of work, as various artists are regularly on the island for other jobs, and their management contracts them to do voice-overs or ADRs of previous film shooting.”
A full upgrade of the studio equipment over the past year has seen the addition of a surround sound controller ASP510, and most recently the 8 channel mic preamp, ASP800, which has enabled him to upgrade to the ProTools HD 12 set up. “This has improved the workflow and flexibility of the studio as we can now offer the option to mix either hybrid or digitally.”
Although the addition of Audient has helped, it’s in no small part down to Lito’s tenacity that he’s come this far. A voracious autodidact, he confesses to reading reviews and researching, explaining, “I need to keep up to date with my ‘three Ts’: trends, techniques and technology.”
Having designed the whole studio project himself, Audient reckons he should be very proud.