The first and only university in Turkey to focus purely on music education, Ankara Music University has invested in a 24-channel Audient ASP8024-HE console for its Music Technology department.
“Thanks to [the integrated patchbay], we can explain the signal flow chain in great detail to our students”
Head of Music Technology, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Tarikçi (pictured below) specified the desk and describes why Audient was the obvious choice: “Every product makes the end user feel secure with their accomplished team and technical service. It is a great advantage that Audient can offer products with similar performance to their competitors, for users with a more modest budget.”
Head of Music Technology, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Tarikçi at the ASP8024-HE console
With each studio doubling up as a classroom, Dr Tarikçi needed to be confident that the desk would be of good quality and durable, as well as suitable for educational applications. “One of the most important features for us is definitely the integrated patchbay system. Thanks to this, we can explain the signal flow chain in great detail to our students and teach the subtleties of manipulating the audio signal in new and different ways. In addition, it is possible to introduce both analogue mixers and DAW controllers on the same system by using the Dual Layer Control.”
The recording studio boasts a viewing gallery that can be transformed into a recording studio when necessary. Integrated screens beam every move the professor makes into the upper room whilst they listen through studio monitors, making it ideal for teaching. The addition of screens in each recording booth and the projector in the main recording room means there is also the capability of recording sound for moving pictures.
The recording studio boasts a viewing gallery
“The senior students are expected to complete a number of recording projects as a part of the curriculum in order to graduate. As such, dozens of new projects are set to be produced at the end of each year, and this is in addition to the video music works and ongoing film music productions,” explains Dr Tarikçi.

The university was founded in 2017 and the campus comprises four faculties, one institute and a vocational school, and takes up 23600sqm in the Turkish capital.