Multi-platinum producer, engineer and founder of Produce Like A Pro, Warren Huart moved into his new, much larger studio in the suburbs of Los Angeles just over a year ago. Instead of bringing his large, high-end console with him however, he chose Audient’s compact, ASP4816 Heritage Edition to be its centrepiece.
Still going by the name Spitfire Studio, Warren’s new dedicated studio space was originally designed by the multi-TEC Award nominated studio designer, Jay Kaufman. As a result, says Warren, “the rooms sound phenomenal.” The studio comprises two control rooms – one of which he sub-rents to a high profile client “because it sounds so good” – and two live rooms. It is the hub of all his production, engineering and mixing, and attracts a steady stream of artists from all over the world.
Warren Huart: “The ASP4816 Heritage Edition does it all”
He is very pleased with his decision to choose the British mixing console. “Having the Audient desk means I get the same sound that I did from my old desk at a fraction of the cost.”
The inline, fully analogue recording and mixing console from Audient provides everything expected from a large format recording console in a space-friendly footprint, also including Vintage Mix Bus Processing, John Hardy Op Amps on the mix bus output and more.

Warren’s Spitfire Studio is not short of audio gear, which he has collected over his years working in the industry. He explains more about his choice of console: “I have a whole lot of outboard. I need access to all the hardware and I need the console to be quiet. I need the EQs to sound great but not so coloured that I can only use it on certain things.
ASP4816-HE: “it’s super-clean and has a really low noise floor”
“The ASP4816 Heritage Edition does it all: it’s super-clean and has a really low noise floor. The EQ is incredibly usable – and I have the ability to insert tons of EQs and compressors.”

In his latest video, Warren speaks to his legions of followers about the new addition to the studio, walking them through the reasons why ASP4816-HE is a perfect fit for him. “It’s a console I can use for mixing in a hybrid fashion (because that’s how I like to mix) with the ‘detailed stuff’ inside of my DAW and then ‘global stuff’ on the console. Also, it has 16 beautiful mic pres so I can track full bands.”
Spitfire Studio now features as the new backdrop to Warren’s NAMM TEC Award winning Produce Like a Pro educational YouTube channel as well as for his Produce Like A Pro online audio academy.