Recording engineer & producer, Jung-Hoon Choi maintains that mixing respected jazz artist, Bu-young Lee’s album, Little Star on ASP8024 is “one of my greatest experiences using an analogue console.” Winning Best Jazz & Crossover Jazz Record at the Grand Korean Music awards two years ago with this album has encouraged him to invest in both analogue and digital equipment.

More recently, Jung-Hoon has been focusing on making vinyl records in his studio, Audioguy, where he has noticed the distinction. “It’s really interesting; the difference in sound between analogue console and DAW recordings is remarkable throughout the vinyl process.” Continuing to compare analogue to digital, he says, “I can get a wider range of stereo and depth, when mixing and mastering in the analogue domain. The Audient ASP8024 gives me a really clean sound. Regarding the reverb, the overall sound is significantly different between using outboard reverb in DAWs and in the analogue console through AUX SEND/RETURN.”
“…along came Audient ASP8024, which has this amazing mix bus sound quality”
Established in 2000, Audioguy originally started out as a location recording studio. “Recording in different places and with different artists is still one of the most enjoyable things I do,” he enthuses. Evolving over the years, Jung-Hoon introduced both digital and analogue recording consoles to the studio in 2008, so he could choose to work in either domain (or both) for each record, with a view to producing his best possible work every time. It certainly seems to have worked. “We’ve managed to produce over one hundred titles; recording, mixing, mastering and producing everything ourselves. It’s true that it’s exciting to get offers from various people, but the most valuable thing for me is to produce an album whilst expressing Audioguy’s unique sound characteristics.”
Situated in one of the mixing rooms in his Seoul-based studio, the British console has been in use there for three years, now. “I had been considering a mixing console for a long time,” says Jung-Hoon. “Then along came Audient ASP8024, which has this amazing mix bus sound quality and proved to be very practical throughout the whole process of recording through to mastering.”
ASP8024 “proved to be very practical throughout the whole process of recording through to mastering”
He maintains a positive outlook whilst reflecting on his choice of profession. “Some would say that a recording engineer is an old-fashioned job that will disappear in the near future. The recording engineer is a person who spends his/her lifetime with music, someone who is able to catch a vanishing sound as a record. After 23 years of being a recording engineer and producer, I still enjoy every moment.”
Audient wishes Audioguy at least another 23 years of success!