Pearlbay Student Inspired To Follow Analogue Path To Audient

8th julio 2024


At 24 years old, music entrepreneur, producer and iD44 owner, Isiwara Manthrirathna is forging a path for himself in the music industry.  He has been inspired by his studies at Pearlbay Institute in Sri Lanka; his International Diploma in Music is in the bag and he is on track to complete his Audio Engineering degree qualification.




Man in headphones making electronic music in Serene Studio setting
Music entrepreneur & producer Isiwara Manthrirathna in his Serene Studio



These courses have provided him with ample opportunity for hands-on experience with Audient gear including EVO & iD4 audio interfaces and of course the flagship mixing desk, ASP8024-HE. Isiwara finds the regular practical tasks in tracking, mixing and mastering on the large format console very helpful. “I particularly enjoy working with the ASP8024-HE because of its intuitive feel and its excellent DAW controller functionality,” he says. “The practical tasks assigned during our lectures have been a fantastic opportunity for hands-on learning. They’ve given me the confidence to operate any studio console effectively.”



“iD44 has really changed my game”



His time at the Sri Lankan ‘Audio Super Hub’ has cultivated a strong interest in Audient, and as a result he has kitted out his own production workspace at home with the 20in/24out audio interface, iD44.  “It’s been fantastic,” he says. “I use all the outputs for my monitoring purposes, connecting Focal Alpha 80s and Yamaha HS8s as my main monitors through the iD44. For headphone outs, I use both outputs with my Beyerdynamic DT 990 and DT 700 Pro X.




Serene Studio in Kandy, Sri Lanka with iD44
Audient iD44 at Serene Studio in Sri Lanka



“The iD44 has really changed my game,” he continues, appreciating both the hardware aesthetic and the software’s design. “In my setup, the interface isn’t easily reachable, so the software control is a huge convenience. It fits perfectly into my workflow.”



When he’s not using his iD44 audio interface, he is endorsing Audient gear to others. “Many of my industry friends have chosen to purchase the EVO 4 Start Recording Bundle based on my recommendation,” he laughs.



“iD44 software control is a huge convenience. It fits perfectly into my workflow”



Following his analogue pathway, his ultimate goal is to invest in an ASP4816 console for his own Serene Studio. Setting his sights high, he aims to become a successful commercial studio offering his own recording, mixing and mastering services “like Pearlbay Music Studio,” he says. “Most studios here use digital audio interfaces, but I’ve been inspired by analogue desks.”




Isiwara Manthrirathna at his Serene Studio with iD44
Isiwara Manthrirathna – music entrepreneur, producer, iD44 owner



Alongside his studies, Isiwara is already making a name for himself in beat production, working under a few different producer monikers on the Beatstars platform as well as Spotify. Find out more by visiting him on Facebook and Spotify and his Serene Studio on Facebook & Instagram.



We wish you every  success, Isiwara!




Isiwara plays guitar at his Serene Studio
Isiwara at his Serene Studio



Read more about the Pearlbay studio complex and creative hub in the Audient article here.