Mobile recording engineer, Frederic Cortez rates the EVO 16 audio interface he added to his setup a few months ago.
Frederic Cortez on EVO 16: “the preamps are the cleanest”
“I’m really impressed by the way it can handle loud instruments without clipping. This has been my number one issue with previous interfaces that I’ve worked with – even with their gain set to zero,” says Frederic after a live recording gig in Studio Yakal in Makati, Philippines. Check out his setup below:
“The preamps are the cleanest,” he continues. “The drivers are stable, no hiccups! I have no worries bringing this outside, it’s built like a tank.”
“it’s built like a tank”
Using it mainly for mobile and live recording, Frederic Cortez is already making full use of his new EVO 16, having worked on projects with many big names including boy band SB19, Morissette Amon, JM Bales, Gabba Santiago, Jeremy G and even 3rd Avenue, Philippines’ premier wedding band.

Frederic certainly appreciates good mic preamps, as he is also the proud owner of an Audient iD14 interface. Professional audio performance in a compact and modern desktop package, this and his EVO 16 are certainly giving Frederic everything he needs to make studio quality recordings – wherever he is.
Keep up the good work!