Introducing Mid South Audio, the pandemic-defying recording studio which opened in September 2020 to great fanfare. A number of A-list musicians were flown in from Nashville to be recorded on the brand new ASP8024-HE Audient console, whilst the facility showcased its stage, sound and lighting abilities.
“With our ASP8024-HE we can both run complete analogue sessions or complete Pro Tools sessions with just a few switches on the desk.”
Owned by Kevin Short and designed from the ground up by Gavin Haverstick of Haverstick Designs, the studio is spread over 3500 square feet, and comprises a spacious live room for large ensembles, three separate ISO rooms, two control rooms and a smaller studio for voice overs and additional mixing.

Studio manager and chief engineer, Frank Marchand says, “Since our opening, we have run full-on Nashville-style tracking sessions with as many as nine musicians playing at once, as well as streaming live concerts online. The studio’s acoustics are such that we excel at quiet, acoustic-based music all the way to full band situations with loud amps – and anything in between,” he continues, pointing out the 20-foot ceilings in the main tracking room as a particular highlight.
“we excel at quiet, acoustic-based music all the way to full band situations with loud amps – and anything in between,”
“In-house items also include a 9-foot Baldwin concert grand piano, loads of microphones and amps and a 16 channel headphone mixing system. Also installed is a two-video system for both streaming and communications between different parts of the facility and all of the recording spaces.”
The difficulty of opening a recording studio with the backdrop of a global pandemic has escaped neither Frank nor Kevin’s attention, yet they are resolutely positive. “Given the ever-changing music scenarios, we have to be a recording studio, a broadcast facility, a small concert venue and a voiceover facility as well on any given day.” And that’s exactly what they have been doing. “The ASP8024-HE has given us the flexibility to do this in a hybrid – analogue/digital way.”

Kevin chose the DLC (Dual Layer Control) option for his Audient desk, which is designed to integrate seamlessly with the DAW. “With our ASP8024-HE we can both run complete analogue sessions or complete Pro Tools sessions with just a few switches on the desk. This was very important to us from the start,” says Kevin, explaining their choice. “The desk hit our price point as well. This is not an expensive mouse that will go out of date in a few years!”
“The desk hit our price point as well.”
The studio is part of a larger retail and showroom space comprising 20,000 square feet and this is where Kevin runs his event production and audio-video-lighting integration company.

Visit the webpage on and find out when their next live streaming event is by following them on Facebook.