Motorhead, Bring Me The Horizon and Funeral For A Friend producer and mixer, Romesh Dodangoda has just installed a brand new ASP8024-HE mixing console in his Cardiff-based Long Wave Recording Studio.
ASP8024: “rock solid”
He’s no stranger to working in big-named studios around the world, but his recording studio back in Wales is where his heart – and a large collection of vintage and modern high-end gear – is. For some 15 years, the console at the centre of this studio has been a classic Audient ASP8024, which has served him very well. “I have not had even one day of downtime due to the console; it has been so reliable and never let me down. They really are rock solid,” he says.

“This mixer has such sentimental value to me. I first saw it on the cover of Sound On Sound magazine in March 2000 and I dreamt of owning it one day. I finally got it in 2007 and the first record I did on it was Smart Casual, by Kids In Glass Houses for Roadrunner Records,” he reminisces. “Since then, pretty much everything I have done has gone through this console at some point or another. I love the sonics and reliability of it, so upgrading to the new one was a no-brainer for me.”
“The new Heritage Edition is simply amazing!”
On arrival day, Romesh made sure his more than 13,000 followers didn’t miss any part of the epic desk exchange by documenting both the decommissioning of the original console and the install of the new one on Instagram. “It was a sad day to say ‘bye to my console, however I could not be happier with the new one, it is stunning! I’m so, so happy. It looks fantastic in the studio, a real centre-piece,” he enthuses.
Swapping an Audient for an Audient meant that the install went relatively smoothly. “The hardest part was getting it in the building, but after that it was effortless to connect up. Everything sounds brilliant.
“The new Heritage Edition is simply amazing! There are lots of feature upgrades which although small, are actually incredibly useful to me, making the desk have even more functionality for my sessions. It sounds fantastic and the new transformers on the mixbus are pretty hard to turn off once you hear what they do!”
ASP8024-HE: “an absolute joy to be in front of every day”
He continues, “Having the deeper meterbridge option has also been a great addition to the new console, too. This means my monitors are closer to me, allowing me to hear more detail whilst being in front of the desk.
“Everyone who has popped into the studio since we put it in hasn’t been able to take their eyes off it,” adds Romesh, proud that so many people have been admiring his new desk. “It really does look the part in there and is a big focus of the room. The studio feels more modern, it sounds better than it ever has and it’s an absolute joy to be in front of every day.”
Happily, the old desk was snapped up by a member of Romesh’s Control Room Audio Community and has stayed in Wales. “I’m thrilled that the old console will remain nearby and continue to produce new music,” he says.
Audient is excited to hear what’s next for Romesh himself, and wishes him every success with his new desk.